Friday, September 9, 2011

My Favorite Writing

     One of my favorite pieces of writing has to be "Still I Rise" by Maya Angelou.

This poem was written by Angelou in 1978 and still stands as one of her more famous pieces.

Unlike most poems that leave you questioning what it signifies, I have always enjoyed this poem because it is refreshingly clear and easy to understand.

Each stanza is a straight forward and direct statement from Angelou.

She expresses her independence throughout her poem by questioning the people that purposely put her down.

The great thing about this poem is also the spirit and passion you can feel while reading it.

This is a great piece of writing to me, simply because it's aimed toward a strong feminine audience as well.

Angelou successfully displays her inner strength with her words and as a result, it's an inspring poem to read for me.

Her style of writing is also what attracts me to this poem.

She uses questions during most of it, which helps her almost "speak out" to her audience.

Angelou's repetition towards the end is also a great writing technique.

In doing this, "Still I Rise" becomes a strong statement in the poem that stays with you even after reading it.

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